Should I Put My Parents To Home For The Elderly?

Your parents should be put in the second place after God, especially your mother. She risks her life for your delivery. Both have done much to raise you, giving good education and marry you to anyone becoming your soulmate. So after all these virtues you must think it over when you decide to put either or both of them to a home for the elderly. Noone can stop aging. And the best thing out of life is that we never forget the great moment we have with them.

Religious teaching takes an important role in family. Married legally is what human being should do to tell them apart from animal. In modern country where moral is put behind, pre marital sexual relationship is a common thing to know each other deeply before one decides to tie a knot. So no wonder that home for the elderly becomes the only solution to put parents after one gets engaged in any kinds of businesses and have no time to manage all things related to family life. So what is the correlation between marital relationship with parents negligence? We're talking about legal possession, sense of belonging and role model here.

should i put my parents to home for the elderly?
Naturally the first time baby born on earth he copies what he sees and hears in the surroundings. The best role model in life is parents, the closest one. This is the beginning, moral value, as he grows up he will have critical questions in mind. If my parents can do it I can do it too. If they are not married but having children this is a decent way of life. So later on if I cannot take care of them anymore I just put them to the home for the elderly. This is the best thing that I can do rather than let them stay home without care. Or in extreme point of view, especially when you and parents mostly have nothing in common, get harsh argument frequently in life, you think about getting rid of them in polite way. Okay, that's from moral or religious point of view and even it depends on what faith do you believe in.

A sect of Hindu in India has a weird ritual that is killing parents. Thalaikoothal is the traditional practice of senicide (killing of the elderly) or involuntary euthanasia, by their own family members, observed in some parts of southern districts of Tamil Nadu state of India. Typically, the elderly person is given an extensive oil-bath early in the morning and subsequently made to drink glasses of tender coconut water which results in renal failure, high fever, fits, and death within a day or two. This technique may also involve a head massage with cold water, which may lower body temperature sufficiently to cause heart failure. Alternative methods involve force feeding cow's milk while plugging the nose, causing breathing difficulties (the "milk therapy") or use of poisons.

No matter what you see your parents today, the grudge that you have in life with some mistakes they made, they are your beloved ones. Putting them to the home for the elderly is only worth doing if you are totally disabled or you have no family left to take care of them. Even if you have to do so, just cry and feel sorry for your decision and keep praying for them.

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